Source code for textdirectory.transformations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Transformation module."""
import html
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import ftfy
import requests
import spacy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from lxml import etree

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
from textdirectory.crudespellchecker import CrudeSpellChecker
from textdirectory.helpers import count_non_alphanum, estimate_spacy_max_length

[docs]def transformation_postag(text, spacy_model='en_core_web_sm', *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :param spacy_model: the spaCy model we want to use :type spacy_model: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str :human_name: Add pos-tags """ nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model) nlp.max_length = estimate_spacy_max_length() doc = nlp(text) transformed_text = '' for token in doc: # This handles most linebreaks, etc. if len(token) > 1: transformed_text = f'{transformed_text} {token.text}_{token.tag_}' else: transformed_text = f'{transformed_text}{token.text}' return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_remove_stopwords(text, stopwords_source='internal', stopwords='en', spacy_model='en_core_web_sm', custom_stopwords=None, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :param stopwords_source: [internal, file] where are stopwords loaded from :type stopwords_source: str :param stopwords: filename of a list containing stopwords :type stopwords: str :param spacy_model: the spaCy model we want to use :type spacy_model: str :param custom_stopwords: a comma separated list of additional stopwords to consider: :type custom_stopwords: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ tokens = [] transformed_text = '' nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model) nlp.max_length = 5000000 doc = nlp(text, disable=['parser', 'tagger', 'ner', 'textcat', 'lemmatizer']) # Locating the stopwords list if stopwords_source == 'internal': stopwords_path = Path(f'{os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))}/data/stopwords/' f'stopwords_{stopwords}.txt') if stopwords_source == 'file': stopwords_path = Path(stopwords) try: with open(stopwords_path, 'r') as stopwords_file: stopwords =[1:] except FileNotFoundError: return False if custom_stopwords: stopwords = stopwords + custom_stopwords.split(',') for token in doc: if token.text.lower() not in stopwords: tokens.append(token) # Detokenize for token in tokens: if token.whitespace_: transformed_text += token.text + ' ' else: transformed_text += token.text return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_uppercase(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ return text.upper()
[docs]def transformation_lowercase(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ return text.lower()
[docs]def transformation_remove_nl(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ text = text.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '') return text
[docs]def transformation_usas_en_semtag(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ # Adhering to text = html.escape(text) # Requesting USAS # USAS (web) is sensitive regarding the payload sequence payload = {'email': '', 'tagset': 'c7', 'style': 'horiz', 'text': text.strip()} r ='', files=payload) # Parsing soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') tagged_text = soup.pre.text.strip() # Removing the last tag because USAS adds a hash as the last element tagged_text = tagged_text.split() tagged_text = ' '.join(tagged_text[:-1 or None]) return tagged_text
[docs]def transformation_remove_non_ascii(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ return ''.join(i for i in text if ord(i) < 128)
[docs]def transformation_remove_htmltags(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ return re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', text)
[docs]def transformation_remove_non_alphanumerical(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ pattern = re.compile(r'([^\s\w]|_)+') return pattern.sub('', text)
[docs]def transformation_to_leetspeak(text, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ replacements = (('e', '3'), ('a', '4'), ('l', '1'), ('o', '0')) transformed_text = text for a, b in replacements: transformed_text = transformed_text.replace(a, b) return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_crude_spellchecker(text, language_model='crudesc_lm_en', *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ cs = CrudeSpellChecker(language_model=language_model) transformed_text = cs.correct_string(text) return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_remove_weird_tokens(text, spacy_model='en_core_web_sm', remove_double_space=False, *args): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :param spacy_model: the spaCy model we want to use :type spacy_model: str :param remove_double_space: remove duplicated spaces :type: remove_double_space: bool :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model, disable=['parser', 'tagger', 'ner', 'lemmatizer']) nlp.max_length = estimate_spacy_max_length(tokenizer_only=True) doc = nlp(text) for token in doc: # More non-alphanum than alphanum if count_non_alphanum(token.text) > len(token.text) / 2 and len(token.text) > 1: text = text.replace(token.text, '') # Remove very long tokens (45 seems to be one of the longest words in major dictionaries) if len(token.text) > 45: text = text.replace(token.text, '') if remove_double_space: text = re.sub(' +', ' ', text) return text
[docs]def transformation_lemmatize(text, spacy_model='en_core_web_sm'): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :param spacy_model: the spaCy model we want to use :type spacy_model: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str :human_name: Lemmatizer """ nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model, disable=['parser', 'ner']) nlp.max_length = estimate_spacy_max_length(tokenizer_only=True) doc = nlp(text) for token in doc: text = text.replace(token.text, str(token.lemma_)) return text
[docs]def transformation_expand_english_contractions(text): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ # This list certainly is not complete. However, it covers some of the most common cases. contractions = [ ("he's", "he is"), ("she's", "she is"), ("that's", "that is"), ("'re", " are"), ("'ll", " will"), ("'ve", " have"), ("'d", " would"), ("don't", "do not"), ("can't", "cannot"), ("are't", "are not"), ("couldn't", "could not"), ("shouldn't", "should not"), ("isn't", "is not"), ("doesn't", "does not"), ("wasn't", "was not"), ("won't", "will not"), ("weren't", "were not"), ("ain't", "am not"), ("let's", "let us"), ("y'all", "you all") ] for contraction in contractions: text = text.replace(contraction[0], contraction[1]) return text
[docs]def transformation_eebop4_to_plaintext(text): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ transformed_text = '' root = etree.fromstring(text.encode()) text_element = root.xpath('//TEXT')[0] for e in text_element.itertext(): if e != '\n': transformed_text += ' ' + e return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_replace_digits(text, replacement_character='%'): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ transformed_text = '' for character in text: if character.isdigit(): transformed_text += replacement_character else: transformed_text += character return transformed_text
[docs]def transformation_ftfy(text): """ :param text: the text to run the transformation on :type text: str :return: the transformed text :type return: str """ return ftfy.fix_text(text)